Art Fashion Travel Love Life.
The holes. Moth eaten? Mouse nibbled? I don't know. Note my fingertips for size. This is 100% pure black silk over a pink shell.
My arsenal. I decided that the holes were too large to just leave them be, so I bought some black sheer material. Although it didn't match perfectly, I was confident that the beading would cover up any irregularities. I matched the beads as closely as I could.
After tediously patching the largest hole. I unraveled a thread from the black sheer fabric, to use as thread. I felt like a little spider weaving a web. It was a little bit cute and inspiring. That wore off. Quickly.
Finished! You can barely tell that it's different.
The moral of this story is, if you have anything that needs mending, send it my way, and for a small fee, you too can look fancy.
She is sculpted paperclay, with fish lures on the bottom, and fly-tying fluff for a powdery wig look. I originally wanted to use candy, but the fear of hungry ants became too great. Fish lures were a wonderful substitute and look amazing, but they were hard to work with. Slimy and difficult to glue. The critique went over well, one guy said that it looks like something he would get tattooed and that I could definitely sell these, and one girl said she wants it. Just wants it, for her nightstand. Pretty good for a couple days work I'd say.
Viewing bones in underground tunnels in Paris...
Dangling our Boots over the Mediterranean...
Leaping through the Schloss Dyck Royal Gardens...
Protesting in Berlin...
Pondering German architecture...
Feeling small in the Roman forums...
and munching lucky black eggs in Japan...
Granted, I have been doing other things too, but all of these pictures lumped together makes it look like I'm a jet-setter! /endhistorylesson