Somehow I was enlisted to draw a portrait of the receptionists' dead dog. She wanted me to do a lot more, a whole family portrait of dogs and her, but I just did not have the energy. One Scotty portrait was enough.
Having never drawn a dog before (I guess I never really had the need). I was suitably nervous.

The receptionist woman also mentioned that Disney would offer me a job in a heartbeat, as they did with her dead friend (the one who I'm drawing) who had skills like mine. It got me thinking: If I were to be offered a job, working as an artist for Disney in Orlando, would I go? Would I accept getting paid for my art, giving up my dreams of Hungary and travel? The answer, I quickly came to realize, is no. Simply no. This has been what I have wanted for so long. Even a dream job like working for Disney won't derail that.
So there you have it. Not only can I mend your clothes, I can memorialize your dead pet on UNM hospital letterhead paper. Oh, and install a Saran Wrap spiderweb in your home. If you should ever have need for it. Which, really when you think about it, why shouldn't you??
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