Monday, August 31, 2009
Things change in such an interesting way.
I spend a lot of my time being nostalgic or looking towards the future. Longing for times past, remembering songs I listened to or people I knew, places I've been. Fantasizing about where I will be a year from now, what I will be seeing, who I will know, what new experiences will thrill and frustrate me. I desperately hold onto memories, yet reach just at desperately at memories not yet made. I must reconcile the two and live somewhere in the here and now. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm a dreamer.
Friday, August 28, 2009
First Week of School

Another leaf bug spotted on campus.
My writing has been a little sparse lately, due to it being the first week of school. It's been a lot of waiting, as I have as long as 6 hours between each class. But, that's what happens when it's your last semester and you have no other choice! I briefly thought about staying at UNM one more semester to take Advanced Painting (when I found out you get your own studio) but I decided against it. I am going to work hard to set up a good studio space in our room when we graduate.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Musings from Another Time and Place: Chapitre 2

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Dreams of Underwater Cities

I was at Eldorado (my old high school) going to a French class. My teacher wasn't there, so we were all just sitting there. A lot of people I knew from high school were there, and this guy started telling me how there is this internet thing going around now saying "Babysan sucks, Sam rules" or "Babysan dumb, Sam smart". It was something really stupid like that. I obviously knew that Sam had done this and he walked by the open classroom right as we were all talking about this. He threatened the guy I was talking to and went to his class, which was up this green mountain. I could see him walking up the path. He was saying all this horrible stuff about me and the guy I was with, and John. And so I finally craned my neck outside and started shouting insults at him. He was saying bad things about my fashion sense, "Black shirts and jeans, which I bought for her? Come on.." (which is so not what I wear...) So he was getting angrier and angrier and he had a helicopter, and he started bringing it around next to the classroom, and the blades started cutting into the room. I fell backwards and thought my head had been cut off, but I was ok. I ran out into these beautiful gardens, where I was trying to find a hiding place with my dad. I kept changing where I was hiding. There were these green houses, and I kept running from one to another, my dad was getting angry. Then this moose saw us, and was threatening to charge. If the moose did this, it would call so much attention to us that Sam would see us for sure. So my dad wanted me to stay still but I just tried to run to the other greenhouse. The moose started charging as my Dad tried to follow me. I said "Jump!" to try and get him from one greenhouse to the other but he got stuck in these ropes. The moose was in the ropes too, and it was wrapping my Dad up. He said "I'm going to die, right here!" And I said "Dad, come on, you aren't going to die." And then the moose came after me. I ran out where there was a stream, and I knew I needed to jump in. But then I saw Sam, he was with someone else, and he was getting in the stream too. So I tried very quietly to float on my back, and swim away from where they were. "Dig Ophelia" by Rasputina was playing. It was terribly appropriate.
Dig Ophelia Consider it dug,
Flower madness and polar bear rug
Here's the water just ankle deep high
Lay back, relax and look up at the sky
Your eyes never close,
Your mind's not at rest
Lay back get waterlogged,
Give us a kiss.
Water spreads the small seed
Water kills the tall weed
Cut the stem and we'll see how you feel,
Floating orchids just aint no big deal,
Never knowing's like knowing too much
Tap the table now here's more bad luck
Your eyes never close,
Your mind's not at rest
Lay back get waterlogged
Give us a kiss.
Water spreads the small seed
and Water kills the tall weed
I figured that I should probably just lay back relax and look up at the sky and so I let the current take me. I hit a water fall/water slide. I tried to relax and just let it take me. When I got to the bottom, there were steps leading down, like there used to be a castle there or something, that had flooded. I had a lantern and kept going deeper and deeper in. The water was chin-deep now, but I kept going. I let myself slip beneath the water, and to my astonishment, I could breathe just fine. I came up above water in disbelief, and submerged myself again just to see if I really could breathe. I could. I saw that there was sort of a room or bar where a lot of people were underwater. I passed some sort of a threshold where "the water went from smooth to soft, and the fish fins became smooth and disappeared" it was terrible poetic. This line kept cycling. When I passed this threshold, I was in this beautiful, sparkling city (more of a town really). Everything was bright and illuminated, palely colorful. I decided to swim into the bar and when I did, a band began to play and the whole room started in on it. I had seen that they just did this for me, so I was concerned that maybe these people were evil. I acted like I was leaving but really just perched myself atop of some underwater trees. Sure enough, as soon as I left, they stopped playing this music and returned to normal, chatting and the like. I was suspicious but tried to shake off these feelings while I was in the trees, overlooking the town.
I got down because I saw things for sale, and I bought something called "A thousand color jacket" Something so bright and illuminated, the locals called it the "Grandeur Defier" (I'm not sure why). I knew that down in this underwater city I could be bright, cast off my black clothes and be illuminated. I was walking and/or swimming around when this woman approached me. Somehow I told her who I was and she just said "oh dear lord" or something and turned away from me. I was afraid that I was bad for them. But then people began to gather and gawk at me. It was revealed who I was and they told me that I was the sole ancestor of all these people. When I crossed the threshold I had entered a place that was stuck in sped up time, generations and generation reproducing while the world outside trudged along dully. I looked around at all of the citizens, trying to see my face in each one of them. I was somewhat of a myth to them, and my arrival was very important. The old woman from before came and gave me a necklace, a vial with sparkling fluid in it. I put it around my neck. She said something along the lines of "Now that will cure your thyroid cancer". I then realized that all of what had happened had led me down here, so I could get this magic vial from my descendants. I marveled at the way life works out sometimes before I thanked them and left, once again crossing the threshold. Things weren't so shimmery anymore, and the fish went from smooth, sparkly and finless, to grey and sad, fins intact. I had a doll now, I don't know why. I think I had bought her in the underwater descendant city. I emerged above water in the gardens again, where I was to fall down a water fall/slide. I knew that something needed to change after this beautiful experience, so I vowed that I would read to my doll every day, who was now alive. We slid together down the falls into the pool below, where my doll needed to administer the sparkling dust from my necklace. How this is done is by blowing into one end of it while pointing it at the person intended for the cure, and the sparkling dust poofs into their face. So my doll had the necklace and she was just about to do it, when something distracted her and she turned, blowing the shimmering powder into the face of a young boy wading in the water nearby. I was in shock, as my one chance at having my thyroid cancer cured, this magic dust destined for me and given to me by hordes of my descendants, was gone. Just like that. I hadn't even known anything was wrong.
So now, what does this one mean? I think this would make an amazing graphic novel... (add one project to my ever-growing list of unfinished business) Anyone else?
Friday, August 21, 2009
Cooking Adventures

Insomniacs for Hungary

Monday, August 17, 2009
Musings from Another Time and Place

Photo: Taken in a tram car in Hakone Nat'l Park, Japan.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Show Installation

The room where said crap is kept. In here you will find paint, pedestals, shelves, glass, projectors, bleach, sponges, nails, staple guns, velcro, levels, measuring tapes and just about anything else you can think of. David brought us a bag of fruit to munch on that you can sort of see peeking out.
The gallery space, more or less. Everyone sort of had their pieces just resting on the wall at this point. Then much (much) rearrangement ensued.
One of the many pow-wows of the afternoon. You can see John fiddling with the projector. This happened a lot today.
Another common sight, everyone holding up the pieces so we can all see how it looks together. We took turns doing this. That black dress is one of my pieces.
After all of the pieces were arranged, measured, nailed, leveled and hung, the lighting began.
I made the entrance sign with stencils and a super king size Sharpie. I think I lost more than a few brain cells doing this. Indira made a sign with all of the artist's names, while Jeff and Quin mounted the title cards and wall texts.
My piece hung, lit very well (Thanks John), with title card and wall text. It looks beautiful!
A picture of the space completed! It looks very polished and nice. Thank God we're done. Which leads me to my next point:
The back of the postcard, showing where and when the show (and reception) is. If you come, there will be food!!!
All in all, this installation was a really great experience. Tiring, yes. Maddening, yes. Totally worth it? Absolutely.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Bread Pudding, Birthday Dinner

See? Grammy is grating chocolate in the background. We all had "jobs".
Leah then whisked the eggs at a furious pace! Do you see how hard she is concentrating?
This recipe required an obscene amount of bowls, each with its own little concoction. Leah wanted to try her hand at grating the baking chocolate.
She didn't quite have the strength to grate it all before it melted all over her little fingers!
Finally all of the mixtures are combined, and poured over the top of the cubed bread (which I did..).
After baking. It smelled amazing!!!
We also made a bourbon sauce.
Cheers! Happy Birthday again, Dad!
Dreams of Hungary...part deux

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monsieur Leaf-Bug

Monday, August 10, 2009
Blueberry...Actually Raspberry Muffins
Blueberry (or Raspberry) Muffins
2 egg whites
Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Beat egg whites. Stir in water and oil. Mix in flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt until moistened. Gently fold in berries. Pour batter in the paper-lined muffin pan. Makes 12 muffins.
Contributed by Cathy T.
See something missing in this recipe?? I sure do. How long do you cook them for? I kept an obsessively close eye on them until they started to smell good, puff up, crack and brown. They were cooked perfectly. I think it was around 15-20 minutes.

I cut up the raspberries into fours. They seemed a little large to keep whole in a muffin.

Folding in the chopped raspberries into the batter.
And after. I peeked inside the wrapper to see if they were done, that's why the front one is a little indecent.
These muffins are delicious and perfect for a low-iodine diet. Make them. Now!
Homemade Tortillas
Flour Tortillas

The aforementioned bubbles. I ended up cooking one in a pan and one straight on the electric burner because I had so many to make. See those finished ones on the plate? You want those little black burn marks. That's what tortillas are all about.
Et Voila. Finished Tortillas. mmm.. I could definately do this every week in Central Europe. Maybe I can bring them to my coworkers and start a tortilla-induced riot? Yeah, I bet I could...
Oat Bran Applesauce Muffins

Muffins before going into the oven.
Muffins after. They puffed up and browned perfectly!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Rose Petal Beads, In Reality.
Rose petal beads were popular in Victorian times, and were mostly used in Christian prayer. I've known about them for a few years now, and am always intrigued by the fact that the beads retain their rosey smell.

The petals must then be taken off of the flower, and the small, hard white cuticle cut off. It is at the base of each petal and connects it to the flower itself.
After about an hour or so of grinding. This was really intense work, but I was determined to do it the more authentic way, as opposed to using a blender. I transferred my ground petals into a teacup, for a more direct and intense grind. This worked much better.
Grinding away in the teacup. The mixture had a really nice color at this point, but that was to change quickly...See those little yellow petal chunks? They caused me some problems in this next stage. I was also sort of concerned by the smell, as it was much more leafy than rosy.
After adding water to the mixture, you must heat it in a pan over low heat (be sure not to let it boil or the scent will be destroyed). I didn't know how long or what it was supposed to look like at this point but I wasn't happy with the sort vomit look it was taking on. I had read that using a cast iron skillet would make the beads black, so I switched over to a small cast iron skillet, hoping to avoid wearing cat vomit beads around my neck.
After switching to a cast iron skillet, the mixture quickly turned an inky black. All except the little yellow pieces. They were resistant to the color-change and so I handpicked out as many pieces as I could. The smell at this point was much improved. They smelled like very fragrant warm roses, and the leafiness was gone. I didn't know how it was supposed to look when it was done, so I just called it done when I became bored of watching it cook.
The excess moisture then must be squeezed out of the mixture. The concoction is placed in a thin cotton fabric, and the water is squeezed out. Using the cast iron skillet made this so much messier, my hands are still stained black.
I then rolled out the mixture into beads and poked them with pins so they could be threaded later. They must be made twice the size as you want them, because they shrink considerably. My mixture wasn't as smooth as I had hoped, and the petals didn't stick together all that well. I hope that when they are dry I can sand and polish them. They look a little like dung rolled up by a dung beetle right now, but they smell amazing. My batch yielded 19 beads, out of about 10 or 12 roses. The recipe I went off of said that 3-4 roses would yield 24 beads. Not true.
This project was fun, messy, therapeutic, gross, and aromatic. All I must do now is wait for them to be dry in a few days and see what I can do to make them smoother. Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Boot.