A nest I had that I spray painted black. I have since put two black feathers on the underside. All that's left now is to attach it to a hair clip.
Other miscellaneous unfinished projects.
A crocheted bow that I made out of camel hair yarn that my mom brought me back from India, I just need to add a pin to the back of it.
Two dolls hands that I cut off in a recent sculpture I made, I need to made a sculpey top, paint white, and string on earrings.
Pretty wine corks that I've collected, need to put them on earring hooks.
Finally, A gorgeous filigree "gas mask" that I made in my metal working class. I thought that it is too pretty and I spent too much time sawing all of those little swirlies out that I need to make it useful. I was thinking that I would put it out a comb with some feathers, to wear as a fascinator in my hair.
So there you have it! I've made more work for myself (of course) but it was a good start. Looks like this fall is going to be awesome handmade accessory heavy. I had a dream last night that I was making some rose petal beads. I think I will attempt that this weekend.
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