Monday, June 14, 2010

Vizum and You're Going WHERE?

After several weeks of worrying, we got our visas today. I'm so happy to be in possession of our passports again, and they have just become all the more valuable. Having had my passport stolen in the past (which, 5 years later - a month ago - a detective found in a storage unit of a woman arrested for 200+ counts of identity theft) I am always slightly nervous about it- I protect it *slightly* neurotically. And now I have even more reason, due to this official-looking visa:

In other news, I've noticed a funny phenomenon lately. Whether due to not really caring, or faulty knowledge of geography - people can NOT for the life of them remember where it is that we are moving to. Today was a new one from my dentist: "So when are you going to... *looks confused* Belgium?" "Hungary, August 18th" (a date that I repeat what seems like 50 times a day.) We've also heard Turkey, Bucharest, Bulgaria, Bangkok and a myriad of other cities/countries starting with a "B" (i.e. Budapest). This usually happens when the news of our impending move is second-hand, but still, it never ceases to amuse me.

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