Monday, October 19, 2009

You'd Think I Woulda Done This Sooner...

So, in preparation for becoming a little Hungarian housewife (not until August but I don't think I can start too early) I have been trying to home cook more meals. Not just assembling but actually cooking. I want to be able to provide for our little ex-pat family, and I want to actually eat real grown up food. Which, in college, we have definitely not been doing.
I was taking a nap today (still trying to fight this flu) and I starting having the worst craving for Tuna Helper. Yeah, I'm not sure what that's about either. We haven't had tuna helper in this house for years, so I thought hey! I'm going to look up a recipe for "homemade" tuna helper.
I rifled through the pantries and found an expired box of Kraft Mac n Cheese so I just threw away the "cheese" packet and kept the noodles. Here's my much modified recipe for "made from scratch TunaHelper":


1 can of tuna, drained
1/2 large onion, chopped
2 tbsp butter
1/4 cup flour
1 1/2 cup milk (at least)
1 Bay leaf
Salt, Pepper, and Poultry Seasoning to taste
Noodles (8 oz or so)

Boil water and cook the noodles until just done. Remove from heat, drain, put aside. In a skillet, saute the onions with the butter until soft. Sprinkle on the flour and stir to coat. Start adding the milk slowly, until you have the desired thickness. I lost count of how much milk I used, I just eyeballed it. Add lots of pepper and salt and throw in a bay leaf for good measure. Add in the poultry seasoning until it tastes delicious and keep stirring to cook the flavors together. Add more milk if it gets too thick. Remove the bay leaf and add the can of tuna, stirring well. Finally, add the drained noodles and stir until completely mixed into the sauce. Enjoy!

This was so so good. Much better than regular Tuna Helper and probably (maybe?) healthier too. I am definitely adding this dish to my repertoire. When far from home, being able to cook up a delicious hot meal for yourself and your other half is invaluable. Try it!

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