Sunday, November 29, 2009

Victory Rolls: A Success!

This was my first attempt at victory rolls in my hair! I love it and I look like the perfect 40s girl. Ignore the bobby pins, I didn't quite hide them well enough. I have one on the other side, but I thought a closeup was in order. Amazingly adorable if I do say so myself, and not terribly difficult either.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another Painting Shot.

Ignore the glare.
Critique It started out by my teacher "picking on me" because why would I choose to put a head on the Venus de Milo but not arms? Well, art historian, because the original Venus de Milo has a head. Awkward. Then someone in my class said "It's just a naked chick" which seemed a little rude, but she came up to me after class and said it was a compliment, more of a sarcastic comment toward the teacher. Because yes, she has a head. My teacher of course asked about the long neck, which I was prepared for, I wrote an accompanying paper on all of the artistic decisions I made. So, that's about it.

On a lighter note, I decided to submit a painting to Spectrum 17. I found a call for submissions, and the deadline is January 22nd. I will have all of winter break and a large portion of January to finish it up, but first I need to figure out what I should paint. It wasn't such a great critique.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Tomorrow is the big day, I will show my painting in front of around 200 people. I am extremely nervous but hey, I finished it! Which is never expected really... But here she is: The picture sucks yet again because my phone camera is awful. That is why is is grainy etc. But the point will get across I hope:
I feel relatively confident about the critique but after having stared at one thing for hours and hours and hours, it is hard for me to judge her objectively. It it sort of a blur to me now. Maybe it will look different in context. Wish me luck!