Thursday, February 25, 2010

Church's Chicken Does Romania

Today as I was driving the long and lonely road to work I noticed something that has never caught my attention before. Wait- why is Church's Chicken flying the Romanian flag??

I quickly alerted John to the situation, and asked him to look it up. It turns out the Romanian flag has vertical stripes instead of horizontal ones like the flag I witnessed (who can keep all those vertical/horizontal stripes straight anyways??). But to me, it seems close enough to be strange, even uncanny.

See what I mean? That would be like a Japanese grocery store having an upside-down American flag as their logo.

More notable flag look-alikes:

Flag of Hungary vs:

Flag of Italy.

And next:

Flag of Belgium vs:

The Flag of Germany.

How unoriginal are these flag makers?
"Oh I know, let's take this already existing flag and turn it on its side! No one will ever notice!"

Since I'm 99% sure that the country of Romania existed before Church's Chicken (note that pesky 1% of doubt -along with the 349% sarcasm-) Shame on you Church's Chicken.

1 comment:

  1. Piros, fehér, zöld, szép a magyar föld.

    Red, white, green, the Hungarian land is beautiful.

    That will help you remember the magyar flag, at least. :)
