Last night I had the most vivid dream of Hungary, one of the most vivid I've ever had in fact. Unfortunately now that I am awake, the details are slipping away.
John and I were in Hungary, and we were doing a homestay in Budapest (I think it was orientation for CETP) and we were paired with a Gypsy family. They lived in this little hovel, that looked like some sort of Turkish harem. They spoke English very well, and they loved us so much and were so curious and fascinated about America. They asked us if we were sad that we were paired with a Gypsy family. I said "No no, in fact I'm so happy that we got to stay with you." Much more happened with them, including wheelchairs, races, and rope bridges.
The fun really started when we were given a Hungarian driver to drop us off in various towns in Hungary. We were speaking with him and I kept doing this thing where whenever I didn't understand someone, I would just start speaking French. They usually spoke French back to me. We drove out of Budapest and the countryside started immediately. There looked to be mountains or hills all around us, but when I looked closer, they were made up of piles of giant vegetables. Potatoes and carrots and everything else you can think of, just gigantic. I grabbed for my camera as a semi-truck drove by hauling an enormous carrot. It was magical and whimsical.
We arrived in a smallish town where the roads were water. Horses swam neck deep in them, pulling carts of people and produce. As we were leaving, there was a sign up ahead about a "mess" meaning there must be an accident or something. I kept thinking it was babies. So it switched over to Ernie driving us in the Passport. He was driving crazy and we eventually "got 10 feet of air" (my exact words) as we flew off the road and crashed. We decided where we were was not safe, so we started walking these penguins/anteaters down the road. They were on leashes. I asked my mom, "Where did we get these anteaters?" She didn't seem to know. There were giant black eggs all over the road that these anteater/penguins had presumably hatched out of.
The leashed creatures led us to their "home" which was sort of an enclosure made up of cardboard boxes, fencing and the like. There were kittens inside. I started taking pictures but a woman came out of a nearby building and starting cursing us in Hungarian. I answered back in French and we sort of became friends. Then as we were leaving this little place, we saw a statue of a giant fist, and a replica of the Sphinx in Egypt.
If anyone is a dream-interpreter, please let me know. It was amazing.
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