Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our Little Escape Artist.

Don't let that cute mug fool you. This is Kitty, otherwise known as Harry Houdini. We had quite a fright today. This photo was taken a few hours after her escapades; if you look hard enough you can still see a little smugness on her face.
So John and I are leaving for Le Peep, to meet up with Leah, G and G. We had been instructed to bring along Leah's "hearty" bear and her "jelly beans" (aka Asthma pills) and a few minutes after leaving the house I realized we had forgotten them. We turned around to get them and pull into the driveway. I see a cat sitting on the side wall, the one bordering the side yard.
I squint my eyes. "Is that Kitty??" John replies "No way, that cat is way too thin to be Kitty." I guess being outside shaves a few pounds off because sure enough, it's Kitty, perched atop the wall, as happy as can be. Now, Kitty is strictly an indoor cat. She has escaped a few times, just to roll around in the driveway. Nothing like this.
So, she immediately jumps down and is meowing happily at us. We sort of crouch down and John tries to grab her. She bolts the other way, around the corner. I tell John to go inside and get the stuff, I'll try to get Kitty back. I turn the corner and she's halfway down the sidewalk, meowing at me. I play along, and act like I'm walking away. She of course follows me. She rolls around in the rocks and tries to rub on a cactus, before jumping up on the same wall. She rolls around up there some more. And I talk to her sweetly while I slowly move towards her. "I'm just going to pet you..I just want to pet you.." "Meow" She lets me pet her and I grab her quickly.
What a booger. She had the time of her life. She must have been out since my Mom left earlier in the morning, because she didn't get by us when we left. Whew. That was a close one. But how could you stay mad at that face??

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